Tuesday, March 15, 2011

the boob.

I had decided to breastfeed Dyson because of the health benefits for him. It was definitely hard to adjust to when he was literally on my breast around the clock. He used it to eat as well as pacify himself. There were times when I wanted to just give it up the first couple weeks... because it took so much of my time. It takes A LOT of commitment because you can't have your partner or your family feeding him for you. I've tried pumping but he still wouldn't take milk out of a bottle. At times it just felt you were doing everything on your own... although Ken has been a great supporter.

Six weeks later, it has finally become easier. Having a baby in general has gotten easier from getting ourselves ready to go out... to feeding... to his sleeping schedule... etc. And he no longer sucks on my boobs for three hours straight to pacify himself, thank god. Read more about babies using boobs as a pacifier on the comments here: http://www.easybabylife.com/3-month-old-using-breast-as-pacifier.html.

Now that I am going to work in about three weeks, I am going to start pumping and getting him used to a bottle. He has only used the bottle twice so far... I'm hoping he will get used to it in the next couple of weeks.

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