Tuesday, March 15, 2011

it's a boy!

hahah, i know this is late.


Dyson Radar Edwards
Born on January 27, 2011 at 2:20PM
8 lbs 8.6 oz, 21 in

I started having contractions around midnight on the 27th. I called Jeng to make sure that this was really it... Ken didn't believe me as he was trying to get some sleep after working all day. Finally, I called the hospital around 1:30am. They told me to just wait it out at home since I was going natural. At 4am, I couldn't "wait it out" anymore and we went to the hospital. I was so unprepared.... I didn't think I was going to be in labor the day I was due... I was 5cm dilated once we reached the hospital. I spent most of my time in the jacuzzi until I reached about 8 cm about 2-3 hours later. I wanted to start pushing already... As I laid in bed, my water finally completely broke... shortly after, my contractions were closer together and I was starting to push... I was pushing for two hours when the midwife said I may need to have a c-section or use a VAC. The doctor came in and said she felt I should keep pushing... and that baby would arrive in about half an hour... Well, two more hours passed and still no baby... I went for the VAC.. Baby's head was still stuck so they snipped me "down there." --- at 2:20 PM... Baby was finally in my arms! The doctor then quickly tried to stitch me up... which was the worst pain of them all! --- In the middle of stitching they finally gave me some shots to relieve the pain... I had 4th degree cuts! All natural!

Brian, Jeng, Ari, Henny, and Ken's parents came to visit that night... We stayed until noon the next morning. & I didn't sleep for those first three days.

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